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What Combination of 3 Vessel Brewhouse Should I Choose?

Views: 30     Author: Brewman     Publish Time: 2021-08-26      Origin: Site

What Combination of 3 Vessel Brewhouse Should I Choose?


Brewman beer equipment has three designs for 3 vessels brewhouse:

Mash tun, lauter tun, kettle/whirlpool tank

Mash/lauter tun, Kettle tun and whirlpool tank

Mash Kettle tank, lauter tun, whirlpool tank

So how should I choose between those types beer brewhouse?


The brewhouse pub of “Mash tun, lauter tun, kettle/whirlpool tank“ is very popular between micro brewers. 

As this brewhouse combination can allow brew two batches in a day in short time.

It is high for brewhouse efficiency. 

The second batch brewhouse brew can be started only after the first batch brew in lautering process. 

It can save much time.

 3 vessels brewhouse equipment

The combination of Mash/lauter tun, Kettle tun and whirlpool tank is not popular brewhouse buy. 

But some brewers might have speacial design for kettle tank to achieve a special function. 

Or some brewers prefer cooling jacket on whirlpool tank. Then this design is suitable.

But this design is also better than 2 vessel brewhouse. 

As the second batch brewhouse brew can be started when the first batch brew in boiling process. 

It also can save some time but not so efficiency as the combine of “Mash tun, lauter tun, kettle/whirlpool tank“.


The brewhouse buy of “Mash Kettle tank, lauter tun, whirlpool tank” 

is more like Germany style brewhouse brewery. 

As Germany brewers treat the lautering and whirlpool as special steps of beer brewing 

and the tanks are with exactly H/D which is a little fatter than mash/kettle tun. 

This design is also easy for step infusion mashing method 

because the mash/kettle vessel is able to assemble an agitator inside the tank. 

The whole three vessels only have one with heating function. 

With that combination, the mash/kettle vessel can be steam heated, 

electric heated or directly fire heated american brewhouse.

30bbl brewhouse

2500L brewhouse brewery

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