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400L Gas Burner Direct Fire Brewhouse Under installation in Australia

Views: 0     Author: Brewman     Publish Time: 2023-02-06      Origin: Site

400L Gas Burner Direct Fire Brewhouse Under installation in Australia

400l brewery system were built in a very beautiful hops farm.

The location is Sydney, Australian, a beautiful city:-)

Hops farm

installation of 400l brewery (4)

Hops, looks so nice

hops for 400l brewery brewing (1)

hops for 400l brewery brewing (2)

The brewer is very professional in brewing area.

Recently they are putting the brewery equipment together, let's see some installation photos:-)

Australian 400L brewery system (2)

Heat exchanger installation

installation of 400l brewery (1)

Customer buy the burner locally for better meeting with local requirements

Australian 400L brewery system (1) 

400l brewery system

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